Our Wines

Area: 7,07 hectares

Terroir :

Grape varieties  : 60% Cabernet Sauvignon et 40% Merlot

Density of plantation: 9000 plants / ha

Average age of vines : 30 years

Driving of the vineyard:  Double Guyot pruning, Manual leaf thinning,
Crop thinning before colour change, An environmentally, friendly spray program

Harvest  : entirely by hand-Grapes selection

Vinification : In thermo-regulared stainless steel vats, Maceration for 3 weeks

Ageing in oak barrels : 20 month with 30% new oak barrels,
7 rackings, Fining with fresh egg whites

Owner : Guy Delon & Fils

Consulting Œnologist : Eric Boissenot
